
Ukiyo deluxe fragrance sticks

SKU: XD-P262.951 Kategorije: , Oznake: ,

Give each space its own personality with this beautiful deluxe incense set from Ukiyo. Ukiyo means living in the moment, enjoy and cherish each precious moment! The fragrance sticks give a wonderful subtle jasmin scent. Packed in gift box. Capacity 50ml.

*Cijene su podložne promjenama zbog stanja na svjetskom tržištu.

Cijena: 9,48  + PDV

Price and quantity breakdown shown below.
The more you order, the more you save.

Price (each)€9,48€9,23€8,98€8,73€8,56€8,39

Give each space its own personality with this beautiful deluxe incense set from Ukiyo. Ukiyo means living in the moment, enjoy and cherish each precious moment! The fragrance sticks give a wonderful subtle jasmin scent. Packed in gift box. Capacity 50ml.

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SKU: XD-P262.951 Kategorije: , Oznake: ,