
VINGA Gigaro champagne saber, grey

SKU: XD-30770 Kategorije: , Oznake: , ,

Classic saber in the French-inspired style. Sabering is without doubt the most fun way to open a bottle of champagne and it adds a little extra fun to a party when you can impress your guests. Both sides of the blade are dull, but it’s back to be used in sabrage.

*Cijene su podložne promjenama zbog stanja na svjetskom tržištu.

Cijena: 35,70  + PDV

Price and quantity breakdown shown below.
The more you order, the more you save.

Price (each)€35,70€34,75€33,80€32,85€32,25€31,60

Classic saber in the French-inspired style. Sabering is without doubt the most fun way to open a bottle of champagne and it adds a little extra fun to a party when you can impress your guests. Both sides of the blade are dull, but it’s back to be used in sabrage.

Dekoracija/Tisak: Laser engraving
Naknada za setup: 25.00
Cijena dekoracije/tiska:

Količina Cijena po komadu (€) + pdv
1 2.89 €
50 1.61 €
100 1.26 €
250 1.15 €
500 0.98 €
1000 0.93 €
2500 0.83 €
5000 0.76 €
10000 0.69 €


SKU: XD-30770 Kategorije: , Oznake: , ,